Soft bounce replies do not return to the Reply To address

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Has anyone else experienced this? For some of our programs, out of office/automatic replies are sending to the From Address and not the Reply To address. Is this common - and is this as expected?

I'd be curious to know if this is expected behavior as well

I had the same problem recently, can this be fixed?

I’m experiencing the same behavior, can anyone on the Gainsight team confirm this is expected and suggest any workarounds?

@jpmehlhaff Thanks for bringing this to our notice. we will look into this and get back to you.

It would be preferable for this to send to the reply-to 

Hi All,

This is controlled by the email client and we may have little control over it. I would however work with the engineering to determine if we can influence it in any way.

We had this issue as well and my VP of CS received over 150 soft bounce replies to her inbox despite not being the reply-to email address. The support team confirmed this is expected behavior. Please look into a solution for this!

We had set up a different reply-to e-mail for the main purpose of avoiding spam (out of office, automatic replies). Because of the soft-bounce limitation, we ended up with 1k extra tickets in our system.

It would be fantastic if this could be considered!

These soft bounces are creating unwanted tickets in our support system too because the Reply-To address is not honored. A fix would be appreciated.

We have noticed this too - having sent out a large email run around the Easter period, my CSMs were inundated with out of office replies.