Enable Playbooks to be Dependent on CTA Reason

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Our CSMs have various playbooks that are associated with different CTA Reasons, but currently the system only allows Playbooks to filter based on CTA Type. In order to provide a better user experience, it would be helpful to allow for admins to configure playbooks to be dependent not just off of CTA Type but CTA Reason as well to reduce the number of playbooks selectable to only those that apply to the Reason.

@kcsp are you referring to this screen??


@sai_ram correct. This only allows for playbooks to be associated with CTA Type, but further specification down to the Reason level would be helpful.

@kcsp In the new cockpit, user can search for the playbook and preview the tasks in that playbook easily. This should reduce the effort by the user considerably.




@kcsp did you get a chance to view the comments posted by @sriram pasupathi ?

@sriram pasupathi This would still require the user to go and review the playbook and tasks for any playbook associated for the CTA Type they chose. Being able to further filter available Playbooks by not just CTA Type, but CTA Reason, will reduce the potential Playbooks a CSM could select.


Example: If we have 40 playbooks, and 20 are for Risk, the CSM will have to either know which playbook to select out of the 20, or would have to review all to see which fits best. If it were possible to filter playbooks further by CTA Reason, if the same CSM had a Risk CTA with the Reason: Consumption Risk and only 3 playbooks fit that Type/Reason, it reduces the number of playbooks visible from 20 to 3, in this example.

@kcsp Thanks for the use-case.

@kcsp Thanks for the response. We understand the inconvenience you are facing. While we don’t have an immediate solution, we will add it to our long term roadmap.