{Posting on Behalf of Customer}- Ability to View CTA assignee and Task Assignee at the same time

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Hey Team,


As of now we don’t have a way of viewing the CTA assignee when we click on the task assignee- We would be required to click back on the CTA to see the CTA assignee- Would it be possible to show both the Asignee’s at the same time when we click on a task? It could be even in the form of a field.

Our use case for this: 

We often have Tasks within a CTA that are assigned to multiple people.  When in the Cockpit view, we want a person to be able to see which specific tasks are assigned to them, even if the CTA is assigned to someone else.  The task assignee should be visible when you expand the list of tasks, and doesn’t require the extra click to open the task panel

Hi @kwiggin - you can see the task assignees when you expand the CTA via the avatar (or by hovering over the avatar). Is this what you were looking for?



@dan_ahrens No - We’re looking for it in the list view, so that you don’t need to expand the task to see who it’s assigned to.  This is so that when someone is scrolling through tasks, they can quickly see which belong to them

@aditya_marla  - any thoughts on this request? I’m not sure I fully understand the ask, but maybe you have something in mind?

@kwiggin : Without expanding the tasks I am not sure how will the user be able to know what is assigned to him/her? 

Also if the user wants to see only CTAs or Tasks assigned to them they can use the “My CTA’s” view - which will show all the CTA’s owned by them & CTA’s which have tasks owned by them. Does that help?

@aditya_marla @dan_ahrens  This is a product feature request - I don’t believe it exists today.   It’s pretty simple - see mockup image below for where we would want to see the task owner in the list view, instead of having to open the side panel - this makes it easier for a person assigned to a task who is NOT the CTA owner (e.g. Pam in this example) to quickly see the tasks assigned to her.



@All, sorry for the delay in response! Thanks for bringing this up! This is added to our long term road-map, I will update you here once we consider this for release.