Unable to deactivate OOTB statuses in Customer Goals

Related products: CS Other Features

The “new” and “on track” statuses in Customer Goals are not allowing me to deactivate, but none of these statuses work for us. “New” really has no indication which is not helpful. I can assume that is is created but not actively worked or tracked? To me “draft” makes it more clear than “new”.


 We want more clear statuses to indicate if the Goal is actively being tracked or worked. Additionally statuses like “on track” or “off track” are more progress than status. We want the status to clearly indicate “open” vs “closed” and to keep progress tracked separately.


These statuses are not aligned with statuses in other features, adding to the confusion.


I should be able to fully customize the statuses, including deactivating any OOTB status

Converted this discussion from the Customer Goals Beta exercise to a Product Idea for voting.

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