Ability to Edit Survey Responses in Gainsight

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We recently ran into an issue where a CSM used an email assist CTA to send an NPS survey link to their main contact and CC'd two other contacts to the same email. One of the CC'd contacts responded to the survey first and because the survey link is apparently tied to the contact that it was sent to, the response was recorded as coming from the main contact rather than the actual person who filled it out.

According to Support, this is technically the expected behavior. That said, it would be very helpful if we could edit the survey response to reflect the correct contact name. Is this data stored on the flattened survey in MDA? 
Normal responses get stored in SFDC, Survey->Analyze fetch data from SFDC. Contact,name, email needs to be updated  manually in Survey Participant Object to reflect the change in Survey Analyze, If you have NPS response then same changes needs to do in NPS Response object.

Flattened data get stored in MDA.

People from Support should be able to help you on this.
@All, Previously, Admins could only View the responses of submitted surveys. With this 6.4 release, Survey 2.0 Analyze page is enhanced with Editing and Deleting capabilities, which allows Admins to Edit or Delete any submitted responses.

To use the Edit option:

Navigate to Survey 2.0 > Select the Survey > Analyze > Survey Statistics.

Select the response you want to Edit, from the participant chart.

Please follow this article for more information.

Happy posting!