Report Builder Scaling Limitations

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Hey Team,


This is Logan from Support. We've had customers mention in the past that they were running into issues trying to use Gainsight split screen on a widescreen monitor for work! When Reports are split up and have less than 1024 vertical pixels of space, they get compressed, like the image below:


This causes the "Show Me" and "By" sections to become unstable and unreliable to navigate and add fields in. It would be very nice to have these reports scale a little better to allow for some of our multi-tasking customers do the side-by-side report creation/editing that they desire!

Thanks for the consideration,

Logan Thome
I've also seen this issue when users change from standard screen resolutions (possibly vision related, etc.). There is not really any clue to the user on why the buttons would stop working, as it looks like you're doing everything correctly.

Hello Everyone,

Happy to announce that your request has been considered and implemented in the Horizon Analytics in both SFDC (Link) & NXT (Link) versions. Horizon Analytics has new capabilities such as responsive charts and dashboards, flexible dashboards with more widgets (Image, Web Page, Rich Text), etc. 

Thanks for posting!