Vault: "private" vault for promotion from dev to prod

Related products: PX Engagements

As we grow and mature in our customer success rollout, doing development work in our Production instance becomes an increasing risk.  We have a sandbox environment, but building out our engagement workflows in that environment for testing, then having to recreate it from scratch in production is a duplication of effort.  I imagine this is and will become a larger issue for customers across the board.

Vault - which I admit I have not begun to delve into deeply at this point - seems like it could be a helpful mechanism in being able to fill this gap.

If as a customer I could create a private Vault "channel" to which I can export rules, playbooks, reports, etc that I build in Dev and then turn around and import into Production, this would be a HUGE timesaver for me, not to mention significantly reduce the risk to potentially breaking something in production.

Including a version control mechanism that allows me to update to the latest version of the same report/playbook/rule, would be a great addition.

Of course (if I'm not too greedy) including a backout or downgrade function would also be highly valuable.
Jeff, we completely agree. In fact have a kickoff meeting next week to discuss how we better support dev to production migration and believe a private Vault could be at least part of the solution. And yes, we have discussed the 'reset to factory default' option and will consider the granularity of the 'rollbacks'. Once we make some progress I'll reach out to you (and some others) to get early feedback. 
Love it Gaurav. Thanks again!
With 5.5 release we have Cross-Org Migration that will help in moving assets from one org to another. There are few limitations, try it out and let us know your feedback.