Report builder is inflexible to define custom quarters

Related products: CS Surveys & NPS

It would be helpful to make the report builder flexible to have the ability to create our own quarters. The formula field is also not giving the option to extract the desired information.

The use case is the our NPS results :

1. Our surveys are sent out when the quarter is just ending but will roll up into the next quarter (our FQ starting in feb) . Due to this the out of box NPS dashboard shows incorrect quarters as per the survey active dates. although the responses may come in the new quarter but we would like to show the previous quarter for which nps is created/sent out

2. The nps formula is not visible for the admin to customize to define our own quarters as we’d like to, creating formula to accurately calculate Nps score because the report shows nps score either as count, sum or avg, none of which works for us.

3. Even if we try to create a formula for calculating our own score type, using the new formula capability , the score type is not pivoted ( all types stored in field "score type" so we cannot generate a nps formula : %promoter-%detractor/total number of responses)

If there is a workaround available or if anyone else has implemented something similar, let me know.

Hi Sainyam,

One solution here is to add a custom field to the results where you use a case statement in rules to identify if the response was a promoter, passive or detractor. If the score was above 8, write a value of 100 to that field, below 7, write a value of -100 to that field; all else, write a value of zero to that field.

The goal is to give you a single field that you can run the average aggregation on and it will calculate the true NPS score (this works when you have values of 100 for promoter, zero for passive and -100 for detractors.

As far as the custom quarters, you should be able to set filtering criteria based on one of the variables in the survey data, such as launch date of the survey or range of responses. This filtering combined with the custom -100,0,100 field value should let you calculate true NPS over a designated time range.

@piyushmadhukar - anything else that you can think of here that I might have overlooked?

Hi Sainyam,

Sorry for the delay. I came on here to post this today (I've been swamped with work since we talked). Glad you were able to post yourself.

@dan_ahrens is there any reason Gainsight exposes the raw NPS response value (between 0-10), but not the calculated NPS value (-100 to 100)? It seems like this is used in the OOTB analytics, but not provided to the end user for use in their own reporting. Is that why we have to use the method you described in your solution? Is this what Gainsight is doing behind the scenes for the calculated value?

@piyushmadhukar - can you help with the details that Jared is asking about? I'm not 100% sure how we calculate NPS behind the scenes.

We are making the necessary changes by adding a column which will capture the NPS value instead of raw NPS value to facilitate the third point. For the first and second, I'll update you.