Send email from Person list

Related products: CS 360 Company & Relationships

We would love the ability to send emails directly from the C360 Person tab. Use case: our CSMs like to send ad hoc emails out to People or groups of People (for example, the Person with the highest product usage at the Company, or a group message to everyone who has admin access in our platform), and that data can be easily viewed/filtered on via the Person tab. Ideally we’d like for a CSM to be able to select multiple users from the list, and use a global button to launch an email with the selected users as recipients. 

@Alicia Azar FYI

@Sam.Riggs have you tried email assist from Cockpit ? It pretty much does that but also enables to add stakeholders in CC so everyone is in the same loop. Instead of repeating emails to each individual. 

We’d love this too! Our team are sending emails via Gainsight Assist or Cockpit, but it still relies on them typing out all the recipients one by one.

Often our team will want to send communications to all contacts within a Company/Relationship, or a subset of those people such as users or executives. Some of our Relationships have 50+ contacts so typing out one by one is quite a drag for our CSMs. 

A work around we’re looking into is the CSMs submitting a ticket to IT support to send via a JO program, but it’s extra workload on our admins and means there is a lag for the CSMs to get comms out. 

CC: @Alicia Azar 

This will be certainly one of the very helpful features