Add more Color options to Scorecards 2.0 schemes

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I am creating new Scorecards and we would like to have more color options to display in the C360. Currently there are only 3 colors (Red, Yellow, Green) and we would like to have more options to color certain criteria. This would be so that a score of 0 could display as a Black color or a score of 100 could potentially be Blue or just completely different than the normal ranking colors. This would help differentiate certain scores or grades from the rest.

You can configure your Scorecard Scheme to include more than 3 colors. We have 5 in ours (see below).

In the SF Edition you can only have one scheme for all your scorecards (I don't know about NXT) but depending on how you set up the rules to populate the various scorecards, you can control which colors get set on each Scorecard. For example, we have one scorecard that we only set the scores to the 95 - 100, 90 - 92 and 0 - 70 ranges, so only those three colors ever show on that scorecard, where a different scorecard rules populate all the ranges, showing all 5 colors.

Im saying we need more than Light Red, Medium Red, and Dark Red, etc. We need more differentiating colors that can pertain to certain scores or score labels. I would really like to see a HEX code selector instead of just 12 options of the same three basic colors.

Ah sorry, misunderstood your concern.

Popping in to advocate for a return to brighter colors, as I do at every opportunity. These pastels are not my jam.

Agree, our team has been asking for the ability to set accounts to black for churned/will churn.

Agree, our team has been asking for the ability to set accounts to black for churned/will churn.

We have the same use case