Managing Opt Out for Multiple Campaigns

Related products: None

Is there a way to manage opt-out for different types of campaigns? Ideally, we'd love something that allows

us to set a type for each campaign and a page for opt-out that

allows the customer to choose which list they want to opt-out of, or "all"

if desired.
Current functionality doesn't support this use-case,but definitely a good idea to implement .
I would echo this. We have some Outreaches that are operational in nature (i.e. automated renewal notifications). We would want these to operate outside of spam regulations as they are operational. This is a function of emails from the Rules Engine, but not in Copilot. It would be great to have that ability to toggle while in CoPilot as well.

With that said, I know the lack of this is partially do to our own protection for spam laws. So it a double-edged sword.
Any progress on this enhancement? We manage different campaigns for different products and that would allow us to be more granular on exclusions.
Hi Ben,

We do have the ability to mark templates as operational in CoPilot. Please see the below image.

Any progress on this enhancement? We manage 3 products and we need this granularity.
This is becoming a major issue for us as well.

The "all or none" opt out setting for Gainsight does not work well as we look to transition more of our campaigns into CoPilot (targeted adoption campaigns, email assists, onboarding campaign, surveys etc.).
We continue to have this need to be more granular than 'Opting out' of everything. With GDPR, we need to be able to provide our customers a way to receive the right information, opt-in and out as they wish to. As previously mentioned, we manage multiple products.

Any update on this enhancement request?
Hi Dane,

We do have this in the roadmap to support more granular opt out settings. We will add this to the short term roadmap and prioritize this for a release post June.


Abhishek S

Hello Everyone! 

Happy to announce that your request has been considered and included as part of the v6.14 release. Gainsight now provides users with more granular control to opt-out specific Contacts/Persons from email communications from the 360 > Person section. To enable users to opt-out specific Contacts/Persons from email communications, an Email Opt-Out field must be added to the Gainsight Person object in the LIST VIEW and DETAIL VIEW tabs of the 360 LAYOUTS page. After the Email Opt-Out field is added to the Gainsight Person object, users can set the value to true for a particular user of a company in the C360/R360 page. 

This feature is implemented in both SFDC & NXT versions.

Thanks for posting!