Ability to link SalesForce Cases to CTAs in Cockpit

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I was told Gainsight relies on the name field to search and link objects to CTAs. Since there is not a

name field on the case object, this object can't be linked. I need to be able to link this object to CTAs, though!

I am kicking this into an idea as it is handled as a feature request. This way product will have visibility into the issue. 

Root Cause: No NAME field on the Case object.... only Subject. 
It is on our plan to support this. We will keep you posted with updates as we make progress. 
Same idea here. I second this. Goes with the ability to autoclose a CTA when a case is closed. 

This capability is available now, you can link a SF case to CTAs in cockpit.


Is it possible to link a task in the CTA to the CTA's related Salesforce case?
Hi Jessica,

Object linkage is only available at the CTA level. But would love to understand why you'd want the Task to also be linked to the Case record. If it's a reporting requirement, we can get to the Case details by building a Data Space on our Task object (CSTask -> Call To Action -> Case).


Thanks, Manu. We store the activities we complete in related cases. The case is the subject of the discussion/interaction (like a Customer Success Review), then the activities logged in that case pertain to it (like emailed client to schedule, hosted the discussion, sent follow up, etc).
This is the main reason that I would want this ability as well.

Hi Dave,

Providing the ability to link the Case object to a task is not something on the roadmap. One question, is the main ask around syncing the tasks in Gainsight to tasks in salesforce? (you can do that either via the standard option we provide or via rules engine….would that help your use-case?) 

Reference Document: https://support.gainsight.com/SFDC_Edition/Cockpit_and_Playbooks/Admin_Guides/10_Configure_and_Sync_Tasks_from_Gainsight_to_Salesforce