Can we update the wording of out run email notifications?

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Right now outreach email notifications show you if the outreach was successful or if it failed. It also has the nice details section that shows who it triggered to, who received it successfully and who it "failed" for.

I was hoping we could break out "failed" into two more accurate groups. First, true failures. Contacts with incorrect or inactive emails, or some other actual reason that it failed.

The second group would be contacts that were "excluded" due to the frequency criteria set in the outreach. This would help me cause now I might see that it "failed" to send to 9 contacts. In reality, it may have truly failed for some of the 9, but some may have just been excluded. This differentiation would be very helpful.
Hi Ben, Thanks for your feedback. The excel sheet in the email notification does also show 'Reason for failure'. Does that help?
Hey Gaurav. Thanks for the reply! Yes that does have the info I am referencing, and I was aware of it. With that said, I then have to open every excel sheet for every "failed" message I get. This isn't a major inconvenience, but it is something. 

The solution I proposed above would allow a quick reference for me to see if further investigation is needed.
Hey all,

Hoping this one gets bumped up again. I still find it so silly that I get a notification for "partial failure" where the only failed records are those that were [i]intentionally skipped due to the configuration of my outreach. Example being only send to a contact once every 30 days or skip if default value is not present. The reason for those emails not being sent is not an error, its purposefully due to how I set things up.

My hope would be that there would be three result categories:

  • Success

  • Skip

  • Failure
This more accurately portrays what his happening and minimizes the concern over false-negatives.

Anyone else feel this way or am I on an island here?