Integrate Sally AI with other services, like IFTT, to proactively provide relevant data that may be impacted

Related products: None

Use case: CSM is managing a company and sponsor tracking is set up. Sponsor moves to another company, GS updates with CTA and Sally puts list of that Sponsor's accounts in Slack so the CSM can say, hey you have this much revenue and these clients now not covered.

Use case: CSM is managing Fiserv company. Fiserv company gets hit with SEC fines, Sally puts info in Slack (IFTT can put links to articles that mention a specific company in Slack today) about health scores.

In general this could be a way to link Sally to external sources of info like IFTT so that they can action off each other and provide context in Slack about the account when external things happen, like when the newest TV line launches for Vizio, as noted by a launch statement being captured by IFTT, then Sally puts earnings data in Slack or YOY revenue. Maybe the stock takes a huge hit, IFTT can put that in Slack too, then Sally puts in data about NPS numbers from the company. There are a ton of possibilities that a client might come up with

Hi Eric,

Thanks for the feedback.

We are working on providing external signals aboht companies, although we are not strctly going down the ifft road. The user would kave the option of taking various actions like creating ctas, posting to timeline, etc.

We are definitely looking to solve similar use cases to the ones you mention.



Product manager, Sally.

We have released a product we call Company Intelligence - integrated with Sally and Slack to serve this use case.  Contact your COM for more information on it!