Validation options for Survey 2.0 questions

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I'm using Survey 2.0 and I wanted to add a phone number field. There isn't a type for phone and there isn't an option to put in some validation for any question types, not even a string length of say 15. It would be nice if we could:

  • Have field validation options

  • Have field types for email, phone (including int'l)

  • Set specific field lengths verses choosing default options
Hi Anthony,


Thanks for posting, could you please through more light on this. Mostly we fetch the value from the contact and we get these values automatically. 


Third point is on our road map.




A few examples of validation of fields where an error should be returned to the end user when necessary:

Alpha only field - What's your name? - field should check for letters and not include !@#$%^&*()+,+, or numbers, etc.

Numeric field only - What's your zipcode? - field should check for numbers only.

Phone field should check for the right format for Local or Global phone numbers. Example choose U.S. phone number:

(XXX) XXX-XXXX must have 10 digits.

Another field would hold extensions (also needs a numeric field validation so users don't enter in letters, etc).

Email field should check for an @ sign, a dot something (.xx, .xxx) and check for no spaces, etc.