Update Context ID via Rule - Associate Timeline after creation

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It would be great to allow rules engine to edit Timeline Context ID after it is created. We run into issues where CSMs make a timeline entry directly in Timeline when they intended to associate to a Success Plan. They have to completely redo the entry in order for it to associate.


I wanted to start a process where we add a custom field on the timeline entries for “Associate with Active Account Plan”. If this is checked and the Context ID is null, a rule would populate the context ID with the Success Plan GSID to associate after the fact.


Right now, the Load to Activities only allows you to create Milestone entries, but does not allow you to update fields on a Timeline entry

@andreammelde thank you sharing the use-case too. Redirecting this to the product team for more visibility. 

Hi @andreammelde , thanks for sharing your feedback. There are no plans to support this in the short term as there are other high-priority items that the team is currently working on. Once we see more likes on this post we can reprioritise it.