Template "Sections" in JO

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The ability

to add “sections” to a message and then create rules within your outreach to

only include the needed details in your message. This would allow users the

ability to only create one template and then create separate outreaches that

would dynamically filter out any unwanted information  (for example, if Product field = X, only

include Section 1,3, and 5 for Email Template A).

Yes!  I think being able to segment based on client characteristics is critical for creating targeted email communications.
Brent -- great suggestion. My thought was to allow for a single outreach to leverage multiple templates based on a criteria section. I want to send different version of an email to each of my tier groups. Right now that requires 3 power lists, 3 email templates, and three campaigns. I'm ok with the 3 templates, but 1 list and one outreach would be a great improvement!
Ah, didn't see this in my search before I posted this:  https://community.gainsight.com/gainsight/topics/co-pilot-combine-translations-of-the-same-email-int...

Along similar lines?