Survey Options: Use MDA data to populate question answer options

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We would love to be able to pre-populate survey answers based on objects in the MDA. This would help our reporting be consistent so that we do not have misaligned strings and can rely on IDs rather than names.


For example, a dynamic list of who was your TAM during a session

@andreammelde could you please add more lines to the use-case for better understanding.

for example, if we sent anonymous surveys - we want to be able to have the recipient fill in their company if they choose to. It would be nice to have the options be based on the MDA Company object so that we do not have an open string where they put in a the name in a different format that how we have the company name in the object.



for example, if we sent anonymous surveys - we want to be able to have the recipient fill in their company if they choose to. It would be nice to have the options be based on the MDA Company object so that we do not have an open string where they put in a the name in a different format that how we have the company name in the object.



@andreammelde thanks for the example. I have redirected this to the product team. 

Thank you for explaining @andreammelde. We will consider this as an enhancement in the future. Meantime, encouraging others to upvote this request so that it may help us prioritize.