Rule - Create List Action

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When I'm setting up a rule, I like to make sure the criteria is set and I'm getting all of the right people before I add an action. Even though, the rule won't do anything until it's flagged as active, I would rather not add the action to have it send an email or update records until I've confirmed the rule is functioning as it needs to. Sometimes, i need to see a few days of execution to confirm the logic. I can't save the rule without adding an action and really, the only action I want to take at this point is to create the list.
Hi Elizabeth,

There are a couple options that might help you. First, you can build a complete rule, but unless you schedule it or run it manually, it will never run. So you can build the rule without being concerned about it generating actions prematurely.

Secondly, you can run the rule in test mode (click Run Rule from the Setup Action page and ensure the Test Run checkbox is checked - see screen shot below) which will email you an excel document with the results of the rule without actually executing the actions. This is useful to make sure the actions logic is capturing the correct data sets. 

Hope this helps!
Thanks, Dan. I use both of those now, but I would still prefer to have an option to save my rule criteria and to confirm that element before building on the actions. I would like to be able to automate the refresh while testing and there is just too much room for error. The alternative would be the ability to use Power Lists as the criteria for a rule. That would again give us the capability to build, test and refine before tying the list to any sort of action.

I appreciate the quick response,

You can save the bionic rules without actions now. You can look at the output result by downloading the file from Execution history and confirm before you add actions and enable the rule.
Hi Sundar,

I attempted to follow your instructions above and must be doing something wrong as I wasn't able to download a file from execution history that had any data that could indicate what the result set was. 

Can you post a little more detail as to where this can be found or any requirements that need to be met in order to enable this?


Under Execution history --> When you expand a particular execution you will have the View Logs button. Once you expand that you will see the Get Link as a hyperlink in the logs. That would be the place where you can download the file.

So very cool! 

I was able to test this out and it works great for getting a complete data set without having to actually create any setup actions!

Awesome trick, Sundar.
The above use-case is also possible with custom rules .
The above use-case is also possible with custom rules .
The above use-case is also possible with custom rules .