Phone number type field

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We cannot currently use the Person object for adding of new contacts by our CSM’s because if they add a phone number it either strips the 0 from the start of it or doesn’t allow a + to be included for international numbers. 


Could we please have a phone number type field which allows for these things and allows us to write back to the phone number type fields in SF contacts. 

We cannot currently use the Person object for adding of new contacts by our CSM’s because if they add a phone number it either strips the 0 from the start of it or doesn’t allow a + to be included for international numbers. 


Could we please have a phone number type field which allows for these things and allows us to write back to the phone number type fields in SF contacts. 

@HollySimmons This is in our long term road-map. 

@sai_ram Can it be moved to the short-term roadmap? Currently looking at how to bring in phone numbers from SFDC contact records to GS Company Person and it looks like I can’t even view the standard SFDC phone number field, likely because it isn’t a supported data type :(

@sai_ram Was this ever solutioned for? I am having trouble writing phone numbers back to SFDC and I believe it is because SFDC has a field type of PHONE. In data management I see no options for Phone data type.
