Notifications emails from JO query builder

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Hey Team,

Customer requirement: Is it possible we can set the notification email in such a way that it gives the info from which source they are coming.
For example: if we build a query builder in the JO program it sends an email notification mentioned below.

Your request to run the following Custom rule succeeded. Results can be downloaded from the Rules execution history page. Below is a summary of the rule execution.

Rule Name: QA
Rule Criteria: No Criteria Defined
Execution Time: dd/MM/yyyy HH:MM 
Execution Type: Normal
Rule Date: yyyy-dd-MM

Since there is no rule with QA in the rules engine as it a query builder from JO.
It should indicate it’s arriving from the JO query.

@abgupta hmm, the source should be indicated properly.

Hello @abgupta 

Let me check this.