Milestones as default view in Usage

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In the Usage section of the 360 the screen defaults to Adoption.  It would be great if you could choose which tab is the default.  We would prefer to default to Milestones instead of Adoption.  In addition, Milestones should be allowed to sort by newest to oldest vs. the default of oldest to newest.  This could be a very useful screen for sales, mgmt. or execs to view the account history/status.
Given we are On_premises only, we would like to make more use of the Milestones, but we have to have at least one adoption measure active in order to show milestones.   It would be nice to be able to just show Milestones and hit apply.   AND/OR have a default of just Milestones for all Usage displays and then the CSMs can alter the view as they wish.
Both requests -- being able to land on the sub-tab you typically use, and showing newest Milestones first -- make a ton of sense. We'll add this to our short-term roadmap and provide an ETA once the project is picked up.


Any update on this?
Hi - is there any update on this? Also, I would like to see customers have the option to either: 

  • Get rid of the Usage measures altogether in the Usage tab if they wish and therefore only show milestones

  • Have Milestones be its own Out of the Box section in the C360
Reason being that any customer that uses MDA data right now and therefore doesn't have any need for the Usage measures portion of the Usage tab still need to make the Usage tab available on the C360 just to have the ability to add manual milestones. (If I'm missing something here, please let me know). 

I'm looking for an update here, too. I have a several customers that would like to either

1) have Milestones be it's own section in the C360, where they can view/ add/ edit Milestones just like they can in the sub-tab in the Usage section or

2) have the ability to change the view of that section to designate Milestones as the default, so users see that. This will save them a click and be more user-friendly for those who don't use the Adoption chart, so currently land on a blank chart.  

Is there an ETA for this?


We are thinking in the direction of integration milestones with timeline. So, milestone will become an activity type and all existing and new milestones will become an activity and will be available on customer timeline. You can then overlay both milestone and other activities on a timeseries graph.

Once we do this integration, would you still need milestone as a section in 360?


Is there an update on whether this is going to be included in the winter release?
I have a customer who would also like this. They want to add milestones manually, but they don't need the Usage section at this time. This makes it very difficult to add milestones.
Yes, I still have customers that want to be able to see Milestones as a section in C360 without having the Usage section. Nitisha, several folks are asking for an update. Any news you can share? 

We are looking into integrating milestones and timeline. Once this is done, milestones can be accessed & created directly from timeline tab. We will make sure that the existing flow of milestones does not break and the usability is enhanced. We will make this change in next 4-5 months.


great, thank you. very much looking forward to this feature enhancement! it's going to make a big difference in our org.
Are the tabs the old version of the view? And will this update mean that milestones will automatically show in the usage charts? Just wanted to clarify--thx!
Hi Nitisha, 

Is there an update on this change?  We also would like to see Milestones as a section in C360 without having the Usage section.  We are using custom reports based on MDA data for Usage. 

Thank you!