Make Global Sections in C360 more obvious

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The ability to share sections across layouts is really powerful but the UI at the moment does not make it clear that it is there to use. Would be better to default to encouraging sections to be global rather than local



The ability to share sections across layouts is really powerful but the UI at the moment does not make it clear that it is there to use. Would be better to default to encouraging sections to be global rather than local



@sam_buddery Thanks for sharing your feedback! Do you have any ideas? Please share with us here.

@sam_buddery - Thanks for the inputs. We will definitely improve the experience and make it more intuitive.

I also suggested an improvement on the CSS side, since the current behaviour is missleading

Thanks @johnny 

The good news is we are about to roll out a Horizon Design Update for C360 layouts which will completely upgrade the admin experience as well as the front end experience!


I have had a look at the beta and your issue is rectified in the update.