Load to Relationship: Mapping Relationship ID should still be available

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The new config for the Load to Relationship action in Rules Engine is great! For the most part, I like not needing to create separate actions for each relationship type.

However, I noticed that mapping Relationship ID to Relationship ID is no longer an option and for rules where I had this mapping in place, the mapping was deleted– which in turn caused some rule runs to fail over the past couple of days (I think).

I think the scenario where this becomes an issue is when trying to update relationships on the same account where type and name are the same. Ideally, that wouldn't be the case– we do have several instances of Accounts with the same relationship type and they should have unique names, but sometimes duplicate names exist and having Relationship IDs to include as an identifier would ensure successful upserts.

This seems to have been resolved– ID is an option again. Thanks GS team!!