Global Filters and WHOID/WHATID Resolution

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This came up specifically regarding the Activity Associated Records - All object, but it is likely applicable for any object where you can resolve the whoid/whatid.


With ID resolution, you can select what object a lookup resolves to on a report. This impacts what fields and data you have available on that report. In this example, we’ll look at the aforementioned object, with a report resolved to “Call to Action”. It would look something like this:


The problem arises when you try and add this report to a global filter (even if the filter object is on something else, say, Call to Action). What happens, is the ID resolution defaults to company with no way to change it:


If you’re reporting on company, good for you. If not, you’re out of luck. 


The ask here isn’t for Gainsight to try and resolve everything automatically here, but there should be some level of honoring what the report is built of off, or at the very least allow the admin to select the resolution so they can match it to the report. This would allow the use of this object on a dashboard with global filters.

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