Export in JO Programs

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Are there any plans to allow for export in a JO program? I seem to be unable to add as report attachment currently despite it being possible to export from Report Builder and Dashboard. 

Hi @ana_g I moved your question to a new post because the older post was already set to implemented and was associated with scorecards. Can you explain a bit more about what you’re trying to do and the challenges you’re facing?

@ana_g did u get a chance to view comments posted by @lila_meyer 

Hi @lila_meyer and @sai_ram, I am trying to export the Unified Scorecard Fact report using JO but currently it is not supported as an option. This is for the purpose of a weekly export to an executive who would like to keep his current workflow involving a spreadsheet and eliminates the need to click around in the UI. There is no easy way to export a report with both score details and comments (without HTML coding in the text).

@ana_g Would dashboard export work for you?


Hi @nitisha_rathi I created a JO program by utilizing other report attachments. The real issue was being able to see score details and comments within the same report in a readable manner. This isn’t top of mind now.