Ensure successful auto-refreshing of Gainsight WDC-based data sources on Tableau Server

Related products: CS Data Management & Integrations

Currently, when a Gainsight WDC-based data source is published from Tableau Desktop to Tableau Server and configured to auto-refresh on schedule at the server end, it can only be successfully refreshed for about 24 hours. After that, all subsequent refreshes consistently fail, generating error messages similar to the following (where [guid] is a placeholder for an actual value).

Error message    Unknown Failure (status code = 1003, {"xhr":{"readyState":4,"responseText":"{""result"":false,""errorCode"":""GS_APIG_2401"",""errorDesc"":""Unauthorized"",""requestId"":""[guid]"",""message"":""Unauthorized""}","responseJSON":{"result":false,"errorCode":"GS_APIG_2401","errorDesc":"Unauthorized","requestId":"[guid]","message":"Unauthorized"},"status":403,"statusText":"error"},"ajaxOptions":"error","thrownError":"","url":"https://gateway.gainsightcloud.com/v1/exports/tableau/schema","logLevel":"error"} )

Please ensure full integration with Tableau Server, so Gainsight-based data sources can be successfully refreshed long-term on this corporate Tableau platform.

Yes, even I am facing this issue where the auto-refresh of the Gainsight data extract posted on the server is throwing error and not refreshing as per the schedule.

@thomas.westberg @rkumar thank you for bringing this to our notice. Let us look into this and get back to you soon on why this is happening.

@thomas.westberg we only support gainsight data transfer using Tableau WDC and not Tableau server. FYI, we do not have anything on our roadmap to support Tableau server.

@thomas.westberg Any workarounds for this that you have discovered?

@thomas.westberg as of now Gainisght is supporting only 24hrs per session and after 24hrs the session is expired will be needing user authentication to fetch data again, Hope this helps!