Detailed Modification Logs

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We need these everywhere. Rules Engine, JO, Connectors, Playbooks, 360 layouts, everything. There is clearly a modification log somewhere behind the scenes, but we do not have access to it in the UI. It is extremely frustrating that I learn from tribal knowledge that “that thing I need should be available by asking Support” - and this takes days, not seconds as it should be readily available to me at any time. I understand 30-day limits and things like that such as what is applied on Rules Engine execution history. However, as teams grow and things happen, we need to be able to track back to specific changes far more easily. 

+2191 (the number of days in 6 years)



@darkknight Jeff, you kill me. Or maybe it’s the pain of finding necessary information. I’m not sure. 

@gunjanm it can be both