CTA Progress Bar

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When a CTA has several tasks (playbook), it would be awesome if there was a colored progress bar as you complete each task within showing on your cockpit list view. For example, if there's 3 out of 5 tasks complete, it would show 3/5 underneath a green bar.

(I saw some other requests that are similar, but wanted the CTA to automatically be set to 'in progress'.)

Thank you!

this would be a neat idea and very visual

Hi Kristen, we do currently show progress of playbook tasks in the main cockpit list view. See below:

Did you have something else in mind?

Right, I meant like a green bar (oval or rectangle) Something that sticks out more. Thanks for your reply.

Hi @dan_ahrens we use Jira for tracking our internal projects. This provides a progress bar showing how many subtasks are done/in progress/or not started along with an overall percent complete

Sorry to say that this is not in our current road-map. 

Changing this to idea post and adding it to our product backlog.