Change Gainsight created objects to only include supported characters

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When using Data Designer, your object output can only include alphanumerics, whitespace and the ‘_’ character. When Gainsight creates a flattened survey object the name includes the ‘-’ character which is not supported (e.g. Survey-Flattened-SUR-55555) so in DD the object name must always be changed. While the workaround exists to change the name, Gainsight character support in reporting should be consistent with their naming conventions.


Requested Change:


Support additional characters (including the ‘-’ character) in Data Designer.

@bradley Thanks for the request here. Will check with this and let you know. 

 We love to hear more feedback on DD. 


@anirbandutta any update on this? @ophirsw I think we have a character consistency/acceptability item flagged for discussion and this is another instance I forgot about.

Thx for flagging @bradley - oh and btw, cool new badge on your profile! 🙂 Looping in @rakesh 

This is also a problem with Rules Engine as well. Since we have a data related topic with the Council this month and I brought it up in the pre-meeting questionnaire, figured I’d revisit this as well. Here’s what the error message looks like, just for fun:

@rakesh , @ophirsw @anirbandutta :)

This is also a problem with Rules Engine as well. Since we have a data related topic with the Council this month and I brought it up in the pre-meeting questionnaire, figured I’d revisit this as well. Here’s what the error message looks like, just for fun:

@rakesh , @ophirsw @anirbandutta :)

@sshroff, @rakesh on your radar for the next Council meet.