Best way to log customer interactions relevant to multiple accounts?

Related products: CS Timeline


If you have a CSM sharing a meeting notes or comments relevant to multiple accounts, what is the best way to share this in Gainsight without having to duplicate the same entry into a number of different accounts?

We're a SaaS business with two types of customers - manufacturers and retailers (who sell the manufacturers products). We have both manufacturers and retailers set up at C360 level and are using R360s to manage large relationships between the manufacturer and retailer e.g. Nestle x Walmart. Currently we have some 500 C360s and 550 R360s.

When a CSM is logging a meeting at the Supplier level, this may be relevant to a number of different R360s - let's say this supplier deals with 20 different retailers and this meeting includes them all. What would be the best way to record this meeting so that it is logged in the main C360 as well as across the different R360s? Currently we're cut & pasting which is far from efficient ...

As an idea, I would love to be able to hashtag multiple accounts and R360s, and of course people into Timelines, and possibly other features. Is anything like this considered in your roadmap? Any other way we could possibly achieve the above in more efficient manner?

Thanks in advance


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