Adjust Activity Date Behavior to Match CTA Due Date Behavior

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When adjusting the date on Timeline Activities, users are presented with a calendar pop-up through which they can select a day. The same sort of behavior is present when setting or adjusting Due Dates for Tasks / CTA’s, with one minor difference: the CTA and Task calendar has a quicklink for “Today” at the bottom.


I understand that in most cases the default date for an Activity is already “today”, but a user recently pointed out that adjusting the date is sometimes necessary when revisiting drafts. In any event, it would be a cleaner experience for these calendar selection pop-up’s to match. See examples below…


CTA Due Date Adjustment


Activity Timeline Date Adjustment



Could we match the look of the Activity Date selection calendar to the existing CTA / Task Due Date selection calendar - including the “Today” quicklink at the bottom?

+1 Consistency in different areas of the product with similar functions is definitely a need.

I’ve just met with the user, and they have a pretty valid use-case here. When prepping for certain meetings and calls, the user starts a draft activity for the meeting and begins filling out a template with important info etc. When the meeting date comes around, the user reopens their draft and completes the template, and then updates the Activity Date to accurately reflect when the meeting actually happened. Have a “Today” quicklink would make that process a lot quicker and easier.