Unable to send emails via email assist to contacts outside of SFDC

Related products: None

we use the "Person" Gainsight feature to manage our contacts.

we don't sync our contacts back to SFDC. what happens is, that we cannot use the email assist feature.

the reason is, since the email assist enables us to send emails ONLY to SFDC contacts and not to contacts that leave within Gainsight,

this makes email assist feature useless for us.

can you please create a feature request, so that we could send emails via email assist to all contacts (including the one that are not an SFDC contact)?

is there anything planned on this?

Hi Rozi,


Thanks for bringing this up! changing this to idea post and redirecting to our product team.

@rozi_shuster This is implemented and available in the product. Please refer to this article for more info.

Thanks for posting!!