Field List in Rules Engine Action not sorted

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When you set up an action in the rules engine, there's a drop-down list that allows you to select the field you want to map. The problem is, there appears to be no sorting on this drop-down list, and finding the correct field is a chore.

It's one of those things that looks like a non-issue if you are working with a small table, but when you have 100+ fields to map it becomes really time-consuming to find the correct field.
I too understand your pain on this Rich. I have forced myself to get in the habit of searching for the field name which has saved me an immense amount of energy and effort. Of course I have to know the name of the field.
Was just going to post this. Here's a picture for those who like visuals.

We will have sorted fields to map in actions screen post 5.4 release.

When you set up an action in the rules engine, there's a drop-down list that allows you to select the field you want to map. The problem is, there appears to be no sorting on this drop-down list, and finding the correct field is a chore.

It's one of those things that looks like a non-issue if you are working with a small table, but when you have 100+ fields to map it becomes really time-consuming to find the correct field.


can we get the search option to search for fields in Rule Action part? 
Some thing like Auto Map fields when the Source and Target field names are same.

