Ability to Move Success Plans

Related products: CS Success Plans

There are instances when several accounts are consolidated into one new account, or two accounts merge into one. Currently if a Success Plan is created and the account will merge with a new account, there's no way to move the success plan to the new account where the CSM will continue to manage the account and success plan. Users have to manually re-create the plan, which loses the Objective/Task created date data.

@kcsp completely agree!

@sai_ram is there a way to get more traction with this? It’s something that comes up often and would be nice to be able to have a way for CSMs to move and/or duplicate a plan without re-creating the plan from scratch. 

Could this also include moving Objectives between Success Plans / merging two Success Plans?

Would be great if you could merge all associated data when you merge accounts including CSPs. If there was a way to change which account the CSP is associated with, I think that could work as well. 

In some companies, their account hierarchies include a long list of parent and children accounts. Its quite often that the account level they manage too can change. For example, they may have started with Coca-Cola Canada and then moved up to the Global Parent account. And/or if they merge the accounts, it would be great to be able to move the CSP to the new merged account. 

I think this would be a great idea.

Bumping this up as this came up today in our org as a need! 

Agreed, the ability to change the company>>relationship for success plans would be huge, especially when automated integrations are in place and changes are made to the source system (CRM).

Company merge is supported by Success Plans ie. when two companies/accounts are merged the success plans, CTAs, timeline activities are updated to the master company. Here is the support doc on it. 

If the requirement is not company merge but updating the company/relationship of existing success plans then help us with use case. Currently they cannot be updated after Success Plan is created. 

The use case is the latter. There are many reasons we can't merge the accounts but need to associate the SP elsewhere. I have also been coming across use cases lately for associating a SP across multiple relationships, whether within the same company or not. 

Thank you for clarification. Below features will make success plans more flexible.  

  • update the company or relationship of success plan after its created. 
  • migrate/update to another Success Plan type 
  • Associate Success Plans to multiple relationships and companies 


Anyone have a script or postman project to tackle this? Would love not to start from scratch.

Any udpates on this?

I have an use case where we did a company wide migration to a new salesforce instance and some account ids were mixed up. Need to transfer success plans to the new and correct account id. 


We just had this one come up where someone created a success plan at the wrong relationship.  We were looking to move it to another relationship type or to the account level.  Unfortunately, looks like they will have to close the one and re-create it again at the right place.  

We just had this one come up where someone created a success plan at the wrong relationship.  We were looking to move it to another relationship type or to the account level.  Unfortunately, looks like they will have to close the one and re-create it again at the right place.  


Personally I created a few different APIs and rules where all you need to do it pop a file on an S3 bucket and then rune the rules which recreates the same success plan on the second relationship.


Ideal? Probably not. But, it def saves work/time for our admin team and it is less likely to have something missed.

What about using the Clone option for a Success Plan. It creates a copy where you can EDIT the Company/Relationship, Title/Name, Status, Owner and Due Date.

Then you can choose to copy all or some of the following:

  • plan info
  • objectives
  • tasks

I’ve used it in places where an SP was created on the wrong Relationship.