Auto-delete Company person records when that person is no longer an active contact

Related products: None

In Brief : Ability to delete company Person records automatically when that person is no longer an active contact.

Purpose of request : Records still residing in the Company Person table and thus populating in C360 view, even though they're not re-imported from Salesforce.

So, request is to have a way to delete records fitting a certain criteria using the rules engine or some other piece of automation.


Nice idea @sudhakar_ravuri 

I would love this to be strongly considered, as auto-deletion of records is an important step to protect PII data and when we no longer need that information (i.e. when a customer cancels service and we no longer need to store their information).


FYI @saitheja_raavi  ^^^

Please implement this!!

Hello All,


Auto delete is an option that we do not recommend as it will have data loss implications due to accidental state change. However, we do have a Person Delete API( ) that can help you automate the process. 

We also have an action item of Delete through Rules Engine on our roadmap that will enable deletion through Rules Engine.

Hope this helps.




The previous reply mentioned the Person Delete API.  Reading that documentation, I see how to delete Person objects, but my interpretation of the original post was a desire to explicitly delete from the Company Person table (i.e. the join table of relationships between a company and a person).  Is that API capable of deleting a specific Company Person relationship without deleting the Person involved?


My use case doesn’t necessarily match the original poster, but I am similarly looking for a method to delete a single Company Person relationship via API or rules engine.

Hi @jthele,

Yes, you are right, I misinterpreted it. We do not have any way to automate only CP records delete as of now. The manual operation through Data Operations. I’ll add it to the roadmap, thanks for flagging.

It will definitely be useful.

Also considering GDPR situation where we need to delete personal data of customers that are no longer using our services

+1 for this.  We’ve recently realized that the root cause of our Activity Timeline sync failures are due to users selecting Company Person records that remain active in GS while the corresponding record in SF Contact was deleted.  

Auto-delete Company person records when that person is no longer an active contact | Gainsight Community

We’ve recently come across the need for this as well, as our use case is almost identical to what @jeremy_johnston mentioned. Am I understanding correctly that there’s no way to auto-delete Company Person records even via API? So the only method is to periodically manually delete said records via Data Management?

How is the status of this still “New Idea” when it’s four years old?!?

This would be so helpful.