Add a filter for "Automated Program" to Global Timeline [Show Company/Relationship Activities]

Related products: CS Timeline

I’m absolutely loving the new feature where we can log Automated Program activities to our C/R360 so that our CSMs are able to view any automated emails sent out by JO! This has really increased awareness of the programs we have sent, and ensures CSMs aren’t manually sending emails at touch points that are automated for them.

One enhancement that would make this feature even more useful is being able to use the Global Timeline to filter to Automated Program and view all Automated Program activities logged across a CSM’s portfolio. 

For example: we have emails sending to Company Person(s) and being logged at the C360 level each time a new user accesses the product for the first time. Our CSMs would like to see at a glance all messages sent out on some cadence (daily, weekly, whatever), which having a timeline filter for Automated Program across companies & relationships would help with.

I do recognize that creating a report that surfaces Timeline Activities where Type = Automated Program and adding it to a dashboard is a workaround, but wanted to raise the idea anyway, as I think it would create a more intuitive user experience for this particular use case & others!

+1 If we say we’re logging emails to timeline, they need to appear EVERYWHERE our team would expect to see timeline activities. Our leadership team are heavy users of global timeline and this is a big missing piece.

+1 we are looking for the same thing. Having these timeline activities on Company & Relationship Timeline is great, but how are we to understand Global Timeline if it is not inclusive of all of Company & Relationship Timeline events. This would be a little big win for Timeline and Journey Orchestrator product teams and customers.

Related post -- let’s ensure we have this as a global timeline filter AND that we can also report on them from the MDA!


We have recently launched several JO programs to send renewal emails to our customers.  We have these emails logged to Timeline.  Our CSMs would like to see their customers that have received the email, which is not currently possible within Global Timeline.

This is so silly that it’s not available in Global Timeline when it’s available on an individual C360 Timeline view. Hope we can get this added!

+1 this would be a QoL improvement for end-users (customer facing and managers) to filter on ‘what we’ve sent’ versus ‘what’s been sent for us’ (user vs automated outreach).