Group cockpit by CTA Type then sort by CTA Name

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A request from our CSMs is the ability to sort their cockpit by CTA Name. Most are currently grouping by CTA Type, but have multiple CTAs within that type. For more efficiency, they like to do all 'like' CTAs one after the other instead of flipping back and forth. We know they can 'search' by CTA name (but have to do that each time they leave/refresh the page) and can filter/create a custom view to only show a specific CTA Name (but that is a little too limiting since you lose your view of everything else).

Hi Katie,

Thanks for sharing this. Let me know if i understand correctly, you want to group your CTA's by Type & within a group be able to sort them by Name ?Today you can do that by due date , customer , age or some custom fields but not by name. Also, would working in order of due date make more sense vs the name of the CTA?

That is correct, keep the CTAs grouped by type but then sorted by name. Due dates are often helpful but for efficiency in completing multiple of the same CTAs it's nice to be able to complete all 'like' CTAs at once, especially if due dates may only be a couple of days apart it is not necessary to do them in strict due date order. Since multiple different CTAs still fall under one Type, this would allow CSMs to see all upcoming CTAs with the same name and knock them out quickly.

Hi Katie,

Got it. Do all the like/similar CTA's follow a common naming convention?

We plan to introduce the ability to sort by the CTA Name as well soon. Will keep you posted once i have an ETA

Hi All, Happy to say that we have implemented this enhancement in Gainsight NXT and SFDC.

With this release(6.4), a new sort option called Name is introduced, which allows CSMs to sort their CTAs by the Name of the CTA. If required, CSMs can modify the order from ascending to descending.

To use this enhancement:

Navigate to Cockpit list view page.

Select Name from the Sort By dropdown list. This will sort the CTAs in ascending order, and if required you can change the order.

Please refer this link for more information!