Different UI colors for C360 vs R360

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Our teams navigate between the C/R360 pages frequently and if you’re not careful, it’s easy to accidentally log a timeline activity in the wrong place. Has there been any discussion about updating the UI to at least have a different color bar at the top of the page so the difference is more obvious? Example: purple for C360, green for R360

This is a great idea!

Never thought about this before, but I like this idea a lot.

I’ve definitely thought about this before. 5 years later, still under consideration. ??


Hi there, just wanted to reply to this so that it is updated. I know this would be helpful for a lot of people that can learn a system better through colors instead of words. It would honestly help Gainsight be a more intuitive and user-friendly product all around. 


Wanted to flag this in hopes of it getting some more traction.  This would be a really instrumental experience for our CSMs. 


We have C360s and R360s.  They have very similar tabs, but have very different use cases.  It would serve as an additional reminder to CSMs that if they were in the wrong color, then they were in the wrong area.  This happens quite frequently and results in a lot of additional admin work to move data to the right places.