Make Permissions Bundles Make Sense....

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The permissions you need to add to a bundle are often not named what you’d expect for the access you want to give. There are also a bunch of what seems to be old or non-functioning things. Please can it have a deep-clean and tidy up so it’s more user friendly. 

Some examples;

Admin → Connectors 2.0 - this is needed to give end-users (i.e non admins) the ability to see the Authorize Connection option in their My Profile (which is needed for Renewal Centre, and will be for the Zoom integration I believe) 

There's no way to know that’s what you need to turn on for them. AND it also gives users the menu item for Admin → Connectors 2.0. Luckily they can’t actually do anything to connectors (it gives them an access denied page) because actually you need to give Connector 3.0 for that - again though, why would you think this, when the menu section/page itself is called Connectors 2.0. 

Renewal Centre has two further sub options, Analyze and Forecast. Giving access to just one doesn’t change anything. They still get both. 

Survey Permissions if you want to give end-users the ability to view their survey results from C360 widget (when you go to the detail) you have to give Survey → Survey Response which again gives them a menu item (Survey) that they can’t use. What is the extra section for Survey Permissions even for if you can’t do it there??


Survey Permissions if you want to give end-users the ability to view their survey results from C360 widget (when you go to the detail) you have to give Survey → Survey Response which again gives them a menu item (Survey) that they can’t use. What is the extra section for Survey Permissions even for if you can’t do it there??



This is very confusing - why does it work this way?  CSMs have no reason to access the Survey menu item so why is it required to enable that access in order for them to be able to view individual Survey responses via C360?!

@anirbandutta do you happen to know the PM for survey permissions?  May we get their eyes on this? Thanks!