Show Rule Chains Queued in Rule Timeline

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Similar to another Idea I posted but not quite the same - 

 Currently, when a Rule Chain is in queue, we cannot see that it is so until one of the Rules in it begins to process in the queue. This makes it very difficult for understanding expected processing times and delays when trying to optimize the overall schedule.

Furthermore, we cannot abort the Rule Chain until one of the rules begins to run - which we don’t have visibility on, so we are essentially left monitoring the Rule Timeline until it appears. Beyond that, since the Rule Activity Timeline does not auto-refresh, we cannot just leave the page open on a monitor; we have to be constantly watching and refreshing it. 

When the Great Rules Engine Outage of May 2022 happened a few weeks ago, neither we nor GS Support realized our delay went on for several days because Rule Chains were stuck in an invisible queue! 

this seems like a pretty big gap. 

@Bhawya, @ssamarth  to bring this to your notice

@Bhawya@ssamarth  to bring this to your notice

Or @rakesh 

Today we do not show Rule chains in Rule Timeline, nor is this scoped in the Rules Horizonization. 

@pgeorge is working on admin home and this is one of the things we will see either a holistic or a tactical solution or both. (Example: Expanding timeline to other jobs)