Search Company Name and relationship name

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Search should support the ability to lookup company<>relationship - ie company name relationship name in same bar. 

Hi @jlicciardello 

If I am not wrong you are looking for the below one.

If you are using the NXT Instance the Search will automatically show the Account Name and as well as the Relationship Name in the Search bar.



If you are using the SFDC Instance, this will not work as I shown above. We can search only Companies or only Relationships. Not both at a time.


When I am searching for other options got this below one which is similar to your ask @jlicciardello 


@jlicciardello did you get a chance to view the comments posted by @phani_kumar ? Please let us know if you still need any help!

Hi @phani_kumar  - no i would like to search the concatenation of the company name and relationship name. Right now if I enter both it doesn’t come up. 





Hi @jlicciardello

Concatenation of the company name and relationship name won’t work at a time. We have to search only with company or Relationship name separately not both at a time.


I know - thats why I posted this to Gainsight ideas :relaxed:

Ok. Good nice idea. My :ballot_box: too.

@jlicciardello - Understood your ask. However, I am curious to understand the use cases where you want to search with a concatenation of Company & Relationship name. This will help us design a better solution.

I want to be able to search and find a relationship360 of a particular customer quickly. Most of our customers have many dozens of relationships so if I search the company name it pulls up all the relationships it can, but usually maxes out the options and its hit or miss if the relationship I’m looking for comes up. If I search the relationship name (the product name for example) it will pull up all companies with that product which again will be dozens or hundreds so not likely to pull up the company with that product which I’m looking for. So usually I just have to navigate to the company first then find the relationship in that section - which is just a few extra steps - but its annoying.

Hello @jlicciardello,

Understood the use case. It totally makes sense. We will try to enhance our Search to meet such use cases. Thank you for your inputs!