
Gainsight Task Status

  • 23 September 2015
  • 1 reply

We need to add in additional statuses in the task status pick list within Call To Actions.  I thought i had the right Custom field (CSTask.JBCXM__Status__c) and added in the additional items but they don't display within the dropdown within the UI.  See screenshots of CTA Task UI

any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

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There are 2 more steps that need to be completed.

1) Navigate to Administration tab in Gainsight and then click on the retention sub-tab. Here scroll down to 'Task Configuration' section, click on edit and then click on save without making any changes. 

2) Navigate to 'Cockpit Configuration' under Gainsight Administration and redo 'Task mapping' (last section in cockpit).

We are currently working on making this process more convenient. Once we make improvements, when ever you change Status and Priority values, you will not need to do step one and can directly proceed to step 2 to see the changes.  
