
Creating a Badge button on application for feedback

  • 18 April 2023
  • 4 replies

Hello Everyone, 


I would like to create a badge button on my application. For eg: A badget button for “Feedback” next to “Engagement”. When the user clicks on the button, it should open up a small feedback form with a couple of questions and when the user submits the form, there would be a thank you screen for the feedback. How do I create that? 



4 replies

Userlevel 4

Unless I’m mistaken, there’s not a way to launch a survey with a badge. (A multi-question survey is what I thought of based on your description.)

I have a couple surveys that launch after a user completes a task, so based on their click on a mapped product feature, I can launch a survey to ask them how the experience was. There’s nothing on the screen to indicate they will receive the survey, they just qualify after they’ve performed the task. Perhaps that would work for you? 

In this example, after the user clicks on Complete My Setup, they’re qualified to receive the survey. 


Userlevel 3

Hi @jnatarajan - you can use Badges to trigger PX Surveys. The feature today is behind a feature flag because like Guides we do not have an In-App editor for Surveys. So you might have to do a manual mapping for the badge.

Please reach out to me on with your subscription ID so that I can get the feature opened for you.

The benefits of badge would be that the engagement is omnipresent for a user and can be triggered by the user based on his need.




Thanks for this interesting information!

Userlevel 5

@aharkut - I guess this means that badges are also not available for Dialog engagements? We have been using Dialog engagements for videos, and I was thinking that it might make sense to make a video available via a badge. 
