Company Person should be able to export the List View

Related products: CS 360 Company & Relationships

Now that we are on NXT, we are fully shifting our view in Gainsight to the Person/Company Person construct in place of SFDC Contacts.

Previously though we had a Related List section on C360 that displayed the list of SFDC Contacts. Our end users would frequently use the Export function on that section:

There does not appear to be an export option in the Company Person view:

The only workaround I can see would be creating a Related List view off the Company Person, but this would not give them the ability to Create new persons and we don’t want two sections.

This is a request to enhance this widget to have an export option.

@darkknight completely agree. The functionality has been missed. I will check whether with the product team on this. Thanks for sharing the difference. 

I think the only option is to export via the Report builder for now. :thinking:

Hi @darkknight 

Earlier, the contacts were added as a part of a report which had the export option. With Company Person it is a different type of section which is why the export option is not available. 

Can I know how frequently would CSMs want too export contacts from the C360 page?

Would they require to export all contacts or a filtered set of contacts?

Would they require to export as an excel or a CSV File?


Thank you

We will be enhancing the Person section and will be adding in your feedback as well


“Earlier, the contacts were added as a part of a report which had the export option. With Company Person it is a different type of section which is why the export option is not available.”

Yes I’m aware of that.

Exporting contacts is something CSMs do regularly to share with customers in order to keep contact data up to date.  Essentially, though, any “list” in the system should be exportable.

Thank you @darkknight 

We will be adding this option as a part of the revamp.

Hey people, are there any updates on this topic? 



It would be very cool if CSPs are able to export People themselves via C360

We wouldn’t like this as it poses data protection concerns and data quality concerns:

  1. Contact records stored (randomly and insecurely) outside the system of record that allows for the contact data to be managed effectively and to respond easily to data subject requests. Not to mention the heightened risk of a data breach. 
  2. Data quality erosion: people will end up making up their own contact sauce outside Gainsight.

This must not become an option that is not admin-enabled. That’s chaos waiting to happen. 

It’s been 2 years since @pgeorge said this option will be part of the revamp.

The Person section was revamped with the Horizon C360 and this doesn’t appear to have been included.

I’m going to have to create a separate “Company Person” Report section on C360 to meet this need which is going to look really strange and make our CS leaders think Gainsight janky that you have to have two different places to go to accomodate what should be standard functionality. 😕

I agree this should have an admin on/off switch. Some companies may not want/need the ability to do this, but every one I’ve worked at that used Gainsight has. 

This was moved to the long term roadmap due to change in the priorities. However, we keep reviewing our priorities periodically, if there’s any change, I’ll update here.




@Shilpa Gumnur This has been a parity gap ever since Gainsight started relying on Persons vs. Contacts in features like Timeline Attendees, etc. It’s a common use case for CSMs to need to export their contact list.

Gainsight is really bad about ensuring feature parity when they replace one function with another. 😡

Is there an update on this? It would be good to have this functionality.