When sending Survey via CoPilot, would like to see list of Undelivered recipients

  • 17 June 2016
  • 2 replies

When I send a Survey using CoPilot, I can go to the Analyze tab for the Survey, click on the Responded bar on the Survey Response Statistics and get a list of contacts. If I click on the Undelivered bar, I get nothing (even though 465 didn't get through).

I logged this as a ticket (11475) with Support because it seemed like a bug. Support responded and indicated that this is expected behavior because the data is pulled from the Survey object. The workaround is to go to the Cockpit -> CoPilot -> Outreaches and view the Execution History. The challenge is that it's unstructured text and therefore difficult to use to update a list of Contacts to mark them as having bad addresses.

My suggestion would be to provide the same functionality for Undelivered that one gets when clicking on Responded. In fact, it would be good to see lists of contacts for each of the bars. This would involve creating an object that has foreign keys to the Contact and Survey objects along with a field for status.

2 replies

I agree!  We also had the issue this month of "undelivered" for a large amount of contacts due to internal settings.  Once those were corrected however, it became overly complicated/not possible to send the survey to those previously undelivered.  Gainsight provided us with a CSV because our instance was not exporting the results but, there is no easy way to send survey again. 

Will the resolution include an easier way to resend to those undelivered? That would be a great addition to the survey portion!

Hi Nate,

Thanks for reaching out, we are currently working towards resolving this, I will update on this thread about possible solutions and dates by when you can expect this data.
