"View in Browser" option for Copilot emails?

  • 4 April 2018
  • 3 replies

Is Gainsight considering adding the option to add a "view this email in browser" link to the bottom of emails, perhaps alongside the unsubscribe link? Many, if not most major email providers offer this option, where the HTML email is archived for 14-30 days, allowing contacts to click the link and view the fully coded email with images et al. 

This would be really helpful as we move towards redesigning our templates to be more image-heavy. 

3 replies

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This same request to be able to view from a C360 the emails that have been sent via Gainsight JO has come up in two customer conversations in the last 2 days.  Any additiional info on giving CSMs easy ways to see what an email looks like (kind of a quick preview mode when reviewing Email activity)
Thanks for the response, Abhishek! It's great to know this feature is being added to the roadmap, in whatever time frame. 

Is the CoPilot Roadmap something that you can share with the community?
Hi Allison,

Thanks for sharing this use case. We do not have this as part of our short term roadmap but completely understand the value it would bring for the end recipients. We will try to prioritize this as part of the medium term roadmap.


Abhishek S
