Show records in successful rule results files

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When a scheduled bionic rule runs successfully, the rule results .csv shows the number of records successfully passed, but does not show what records/accounts are impacted by the run.

This makes it very very difficult for a customer to validate successful runs to confirm that the rule is doing what they set it up to do.

Is there any plan to include a list of the records that successfully passed in the action so that customers can better validate rules?
Agree! By default, identifiers such as GS ID and SF ID should be included.
PLEASE! It would be so helpful for us to have scheduled rules display the same output level that the manual and test runs have. 
Scheduled rules allow the admin to add success and failure email in the scheduler page. If these emails are present an Excel sheet with all the records which were part of action will be be sent. Refer this
Looks like a duplicate?
Swaroop - the logs from scheduled rules don't contain the records that succeeded - only the ones (if any) that failed.
Hi Jeff,

I got it wrong about the scheduled rules. I have discussed with our Product Owner and we are going to fix this parity in schedule rules as soon as possible.
One other point, Swaroop - if we can make sure the goal is to stop emailing CSVs and make those results files available the same way the Rule Setup task results (Fetch, Tranform, Join, Pivot, etc.) - that would be great to raise with the product owner.

Ultimately, emailing data sheets around isn't the preferred option for InfoSec groups, so working directly from the Admin screens would be great.
Hi Scott,

We have an option in the Application Settings page to direct the execution results to S3 bucket instead as an attachment to the mail. In this case, you will still receive the email but without attachment. Once this option is marked, it will effect all the executions. Download file option is available in Execution History of Rule.

Please find the attached screenshot for reference.

Hope this helps!
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The rule run as a test include a tab for both successful and failed updates, we would like the same for the scheduled results too (which currently only shows the failures). Would not like to receive a CSV/Excel file via email for security reasons.