Using Gainsight 360 reports in Dashboards

Related products: CS 360 Company & Relationships

I am looking for instructions to repurpose/replicate Gainsight 360 reports into other dashboards. Can someone point me to how to accomplish that.

Hi Mark,

Thanks for sharing this use case. We do not have the capability yet to use the Gainsight 360 reports and add it to the dashboards. We will add this to the roadmap and update here once we have a timeline in mind.


Abhishek S
Thank you for the response. Perhaps I posed the question incorrectly. I guess I am looking to replicate some of this functionality (eg, top users of our instance, etc) within a dashboard I manage as an Admin. In other words, I am looking to build a report/dashboard which tracks the usage of our users. Can you point me to where I can find the data to accomplish that? I'm keeping my fingers crossed ...

Thank you again.

Hi Mark,

You can talk to your Gainsight CSM about arranging an export of your team's usage data from our instance of Gainsight to your instance of Gainsight. Once you have that usage data, you can create any type of report or dashboard you need.
Thanks Dan. I will reach out to my CSM to get that set up for us. I see this may be very helpful to us to ensure usage and adoption!
Any update on the roadmap?

We used to get the top users by habits report in the weekly email but no longer seem to get those reports anymore. The ability to create CSM usage reports would be really helpful for our adoption efforts from a CS Ops perspective. The export method would work for now but it would be great if we could create these on the fly, especially for our team leads and leadership.
Hi Calvin, check with your Gainsight CSM to ensure you're still setup to receive those weekly emails. 

And as I mentioned to Mark above, you can also ask to have the usage data for your team exported from our internal instance of Gainsight to your instance of Gainsight so you can build reports and dashboards from it. Your Gainsight CSM can help with that too.
+1 I do like this idea of being able to play more with the information that Gainsight 360 Shares.  
Our company was also hoping to carry over these 360 reports, specifically the Gainsight usage report, into our dashboard. From reviewing the previous responses, I will reach out to our CSM to get help with this process.

For a feature enhancement, it would be very helpful if we had the ability to select these pre-created Gainsight 360 reports directly in the Dashboard Builder so that we can easily carry over this information instead of having to manually export and then re-upload each of these reports into the system.