Show which filters are active on a report / dashboard

Related products: CS Reports & Dashboards

This is feedback from HPE ADM CSMs: 

Currently in a report (on a dashboard), you need to click the filter icon to see which filters are being currently used. The users would like to be able to see active filters by default while looking at a report, vs. clicking the filter icon to see which filters are being applied 
I agree that this would be very helpful both within dashboards and within C360 sections. This would make it much easier for CSM's to understand the report in prep for discussions with customers. 
One thing we've done is show dashboard-level filter as a sticky bar on the top. There is a real-estate challenge in showing the multiple filters for reach report, so we have it one-click away. Often reports have 10 filters. Any suggestions on how we can show that right in the screen?
Leon from HPE shared this screenshot on how they establish this in one of their products, along with this commentary: 

[i]The following is a snapshot of one of our application that show the filer when is set up.[i]Something like this is what we are looking for – to understand what we are displaying at any given moment.

[i]It would be very helpful,  when accounts do not appear – often the wrong filter is set.

I think even just a number of the filter like the functionality in Cockpit would be helpful as a short term.
Any updates on this?  We're still running into challenges where we make an update to a dashboard, and have to go through a lot of trouble to get the changes to display to the CSMs because they have their own filters applied.